Hisayo Kawahara


UK Athletics certified Coach in Running Fitness (CiRF).

Experience and Achievements

Hisayo took up running in 2003 when a fellow volunteer at Crisis Open Christmas encouraged her to join the team for the Crisis Square Mile Run. She completed her first 10k the same year and has never looked back. She ran her first ultra trail in September 2013 and has since competed in numerous races in the UK. Her achievements include:

  • Lakeland Trails: Ultimate Trails 110 (110 km, Ambleside, the Lake District)
  • The Grand Tour of Skiddaw (45 miles, Caldbeck, the Lake District)
  • South Downs Way 50 (50 miles, Eastbourne)
  • Tour de Helvellyn (38 miles, Askham, the Lake District)
  • Lakes 42 (42 miles, Askham, the Lake District)
  • The Great Lakeland in 3 Days (Coniston, the Lake District)
  • Lakeland 100 (105 miles, Coniston, the Lake District)
  • The Ultra Tour of Snowdonia (58 miles, Llanberis, Wales)
  • Northern Traverse (190 miles, Coast to Coast from St Bees to Robin Hood Bay)
  • Lakes in a Day (50 miles, Carlisle, the Lake District)
  • Pilgrim Challenge (60 miles, North Downs Way)
  • The Druid’s Challenge (84 miles, The Ridge Way)

She also attempted and dnf’d:

  • Dragon’s Back Race 2017 (315 km, the Wales)

Interests and Activities

Hisayo loves the outdoors. She walks, hikes, camps, runs and skis in the mountains. Whatever the season, she always finds something to do in the outdoors.

When she is not in the outdoors, she takes ballet classes. She learned ballet as a child and has become ever more passionate about dance as an adult learner. She believes that ballet helps to build a strong core for long distance running, while long distance running helps to build a strong stamina for ballet.

Involvement with Serpentine

As a volunteer, Hisayo organises social trail runs for the club on the weekends. Her focus is to create a supportive environment for novice participants to experience the great outdoors. The distance varies from 10km to 20km in either Surrey or Kent, and the pace is usually set as “relaxed” with lots of socialising and stopping for photos and eating along the way. She is on a mission to spread her love of trail running in the club.