A message from our Mental Health Champions - for World Mental Health Day

Thursday 10th October is World Mental Health day, and our Mental Health Champions would like to share some thoughts and highlight this year’s theme - suicide prevention.

We’re here to listen to anything, from a bad day at the office or that your dog has died, to you’re struggling with negative thoughts or even suicide -  and everything in between. #RunAndTalk helps with it all.

Everyone that runs may or may not know that any increased physical activity can help with better sleep, self-esteem, and reducing the risk of depression. But globally, over 800,000 people die of suicide each year, and it’s the second largest cause of death for 15-29 year olds. And whilst this might seem like a really high number, it’s something at our club that everyone can do something about.

Getting people to talk about a subject that tends to be taboo and about which many hold mistaken and prejudiced ideas helps everyone to learn that little bit more. In our running club, whether you have been coming for years or are a newer member, we hope that you take the opportunity to talk to those around you.  You might be making a difference in more of a way than you realise.

And with our #RunAndTalk sessions, we want to start to spread the word that we can all help in our own little way. We want everyone to #RunAndTalk to help promote mental wellbeing and to break down the stigma around mental health – that’s why #RunAndTalk is for people of any running ability. And whilst our champions will always be available to talk to you on our Wednesday and Saturday sessions, we always want to know about ways we can help improve what we do. So we want to hear from you too!

However, we know that it's not always easy to reach out if you’re in a bad place. So if you aren’t where you want to be don’t be too hard on yourself, especially if you can’t exercise or feel you can’t get involved. It can be easy to start feeling guilty or beating yourself up about not exercising. So know that we'd love to talk with or listen to you.  We are also sharing a few contacts:

SANEline- Helpline offering practical information and emotional support in a crisis.

0300 304 7000 (4.30pm–10.30pm every day).


Samaritans- 24-hour emotional support for anyone struggling to cope.

116 123 (freephone)


Switchboard- LGBT+ helpline provides listening services, information and support

0300 330 0630 (10am–10pm every day)


Wishing you all good mental health.

Jon Lewis and your Serpentine Mental Health Champions


Submitted: 9 October 2019
