Committee changes

There were changes to five roles on the club's committee at this year's AGM. Rhiannon Needham, Tom Poynton, Maureen Seguin, Peter Clarke and Alex Elferink all decided to stand down from their respective roles on the committee.

Rhiannon Needham has decided to step down from her role as Honorary Treasurer, and Tom Poynton, Maureen Seguin, Peter Clarke and Alex Elferink have decided to stand down from their respective roles as responsible for Endurance Running, Club Kit, Juniors and Triathlon. Each of them has contributed significantly to the club. We will miss all of them and their valuable contributions to committee discussions. All on the committee would like to thank them for their hard work and dedication.

Five new committee members were added at the AGM. Sonia Pignorel takes over from Rhiannon Needham as Treasurer; Isaac Leigh takes over responsibility for Endurance Running, Marina Mok for Club Kit, Debbie Clarke for Triathlon and Elizabeth Ayres as Junior Section Coordinator. Rhiannon Needham is staying on the committee, taking on the Athletics role which has been vacant over the last year. We welcome all of the new members to the committee and thank them for stepping forward. 

Stephen West has also kindly offered to take on the role of auditor from Nicola McGlennon, and we thank Nicola for her work as auditor over the last five years.

Sue Barty

Submitted: 12 September 2019
