John Stonham Farewell Cup 2018

It gives us great pleasure to announce that the John Stonham Farewell Cup has gone to a Serpie Junior for the very first time.

Picture from John Stonham Farewell Cup 2018

John Stonham Farewell Cup

John Stonham was an active member of Serpentine from 1986 and the award was donated anonymously in 1993 upon his departure to Thailand. The trophy is awarded annually to the runner who, in the judgement of the Committee, inspires others by being 1) a new runner who shows significant "improvement, but not necessarily victories" 2) an experienced runner returning from injury or illness or 3) a runner showing enthusiasm in the sport even without victory.

This year the trophy was presented to Reilly Ayres, who has high functioning autism and is a remarkable ambassador for our club. He just loves his running. Reilly is a dedicated trainer and takes great pride in wearing club colours both on the track and in cross country. He leaves nothing out there and is always chirpy and positive. He is never daunted by being pitted against London's finest young athletes. 

Congratulations to Reilly!

Lan O'Connor

Submitted: 20 December 2018
