IMPORTANT: Changes to Wednesday night timings

Please note that the two and three park runs will leave the Seymour at the earlier time of 6.30pm. We will be closing the bag room at 7.45pm and the kit room will remain closed. Read on for further details.

Most of you will be aware Wednesday has the small matter of a football match. I know not everyone is a football fan and people are following different teams. It is likely many of you will forgo the usual Wednesday club run in order to watch the match. We rely heavily on volunteers on Wednesday night. I have taken the decision that both the two and three park runs will leave the Seymour at 6.30pm. We will be closing the bag room at 7.45pm. The kit room will not open this Wednesday.

If you want to run later or do a longer run please use the lockers in the main Seymour changing areas to store your belongings rather than the club room (remember to bring a lock or you will have to buy one at reception).

Due to a huge screen with maybe 30,000 people watching the football in Hyde Park, we may have some route changes. I will
announce this on Wednesday at the club. I am meeting the police for an update tomorrow. Security will be immense.

Anyone who would like to volunteer in the bag room between 6pm and 7.45pm and keep Nicola Kaye company, I will be delighted to offer wine and the runners will appreciate you.

Sid Wills
Club runs

Submitted: 9 July 2018
