Guidelines to ensure your safety

Below are some suggested guidelines you should follow to ensure your safety when swimming in open water.

  • All swimmers are advised to wear a wetsuit. Not only will this keep you warm but it will help you float.
  • Wear a bright coloured hat so boats and other swimmers can see you. Try a bright coloured silicon hat (warmer and thicker than latex) and easy to see. Black, green, white, silver and blue hats will not be easy to spot in the water.
  • Acclimatise to cold water gradually. Don't push your time in cold water if you're unused to it and always take warm clothes to put on afterwards (yes, even in summer - it's amazing how fast you get cold). You will feel colder when you get out.
  • Always go in sober.
  • Raise your arm for attention if you cannot make it back to land.
  • Swim with a buddy if possible. Please also swim responsibly and know your limits.
  • Swimmers should swim parallel to the bank / shore when possible.
  • Try to ingest a minimum amount of water when swimming. 
  • Cover all cuts and abrasions, however minor, with sticking plasters. Do not swim if you have deep cuts.
  • Wash hands in fresh water before eating after you have swum and take a full shower at the earliest opportunity.
  • In the unlikely event that you develop any flu-like symptoms after swimming with an open cut/wound please tell your doctor that you have been swimming in open water.