Serpie Planner - event reports

Surrey Slog Half Marathon (15 Jul 2007)

This was a well organised cross country half marathon in deepest Surrey. There are few steep hills, but long stretches of incline and few flats. Expect to go through gnarled woodland paths and over one or two stiles. There is good mile marking and about 6 water stations on route. There was also a smattering of support dotted along the route which helped

Report by: Gordon Mead

Surrey Slog Half Marathon (19 Jul 2009)

Course very good. Organisation reasonable. It's a small race (approx 250 runners) and is clearly a bit "maxed out" as the parking clearly caused some congestion etc. The course itself is off-road and very undulating - it probably needs 15-20% factored in over a flat HM timewise.

Frustratingly, the course was also interfered with this year which caused problems for the first dozen or so runners. Not a lot you can do about that really.

All in all well worth doing though - a fairly tough / hilly course but very close to home.

Mark Lansley

Surrey Slog Half Marathon (24 Jul 2011)

John Hudspith was 1st V50 and 18th overall.