Cycling (page not used anymore)


(This page is not used anymore as of 6/5/23 – HH)

Serpentine Cycling

Group Rides

Group rides are organised by Serpentine members on an informal basis via the Tri Chat WhatsApp group.  Locations include Richmond Park for Surrey and Windsor rides, Hackney Town Hall for Essex rides and Greenwich for Kent rides.

Rides are organised and led by volunteers who are not coaches.  Ride leaders will be happy to advise you , but you take part at your own risk and take responsibility for your safety and that of the whole group.  You should:

  • Be properly equipped and prepared to fix ‘mechanicals’ and get yourself home.
  • Be capable of the distances.  The shortest ride is typically about 80km. If you’re unsure whether you can manage this you can try the routes here yourself first.  Or try doing 7 or 8 laps of Richmond Park (without getting bored!)
  • Be comfortable riding on roads with other traffic.
  • Be comfortable riding in a group and have read our guidelines for group riding.
  • Be riding a drop handlebar road bike.  Hybrids or mountain bikes will not be able to maintain the pace required for group riding.

The ride leader will advise the expected speed of the group when organising the ride.  For your own enjoyment you must have a good idea of your pace before joining a ride.  We attempt to keep groups together as far as possible and wait for each other at the top of hills and if a rider has a puncture – but if you join a ride that is too fast do not expect the others to wait for you.  Always carry a map, phone and money so you can escape if necessary, and let the ride leader know if you are dropping off.

We are always looking for people to lead rides, if you are willing to help get in touch with the cycling co-ordinator.

Spin Classes

Spin classes are occasionally held on a Wednesday at 19:00 in the studio upstairs at the Seymour Leisure Centre. Classes are led by a qualified instructor who is also a Serpentine member. Please check with the triathlon lead to see if the classes are happening.



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