Summer League


The Summer League is an inter-club competition of five races between May and August at various venues around London. The clubs in the league this year are Dulwich Park Runners, Metros, Ealing, Hayes and Harlington, Mornington Chasers, Serpentine RC, Sudbury Court, Ealing Eagles and Queens Park Harriers.

The main event is a 5 mile or 10km race which covers all standards and is based at a park local to the host club. Following the main event there is a shorter ‘tenderfoot’ (1.5-2km) race suitable for children, runners returning from injury and runners who prefer to run a shorter distance. Finally there is a series of optional, light hearted, age graded, 300-400m relays, again suitable for all ages and abilities.

Runners ready to start the Battersea Park 10k fixture in the 2024 Summer League

All levels, new and regular runners welcome, although you must be a Serpentine club member. The events are family oriented so do bring children, they can also participate in the tenderfoot race and/or the relays.

There is no need to enter in advance.  Just turn up on the day in your Serpie vest or T-shirt, the entry fee is paid for by the club.

A picnic, in the form of sandwiches and cakes, is provided by the hosting club. Trophies are awarded at the end of the year for individuals in their age categories based on their best three performances in the five races.

Picnic provided by Serpie members for all Summer League participants in the Battersea Park fixture, August 2024

There is more information on the Summer League website.

2025 Dates

DateStart TimeLocationDistanceHost Club
15 June09:30Headstone Manor, Harrow5 milesMetros
29 June09:30Perivale Park5 milesEaling Southall & Middlesex / Ealing Eagles
13 July09:30Dulwich Park5 milesDulwich Park Runners
27 July09:30Regents Park10kMornington Chasers
10 August10:00Battersea Park (course map here)10kSerpentine

The dates of the Summer League are also listed in the Serpentine Planner.

Serpies in the relay race in the Dulwich Park fixture, July 2024


We normally have a few club members acting as contact points for each race and for example collecting numbers at the finish line and organizing the relay teams – if you would like to help with this please contact