Track & Field Meeting


Club Championship 3000m: 11 July 2023


Competitors:  Split by gender

All club championship results for 2023

All club T&F championship results for 2023

Scoring athletes

Event arrow Name arrow Result arrow Cat arrow Club arrow Graded arrow Points arrow
Serpentine Running and Triathlon Club
3000m Nicolas Besson 9:19.80 V40 Serpentine 84.4% 0.00
3000m Victor Lio 9:37.40 SM Serpentine 77.4% 0.00
3000m Peter Wooldridge 9:44.60 V35 Serpentine 76.9% 0.00
3000m Julian Beazley 9:46.70 SM Serpentine 75.9% 0.00
3000m Hugh Torry 9:48.60 V40 Serpentine 81.5% 0.00
3000m Ewan Maynard 9:56.70 SM Serpentine 73.9% 0.00
3000m Ewan Maynard 9:58.90 SM Serpentine 73.7% 0.00
3000m Nicola Barberis Negra 10:06.80 V40 Serpentine 77.9% 0.00
3000m Alexandre Bernigaud 10:11.80 V45 Serpentine 81.6% 0.00
3000m James Gillanders 10:12.60 V45 Serpentine 78.9% 0.00
3000m Simon Morris 10:15.30 SM Serpentine 72.1% 0.00
3000m Holly Woodhead 10:28.80 SL Serpentine 79.7% 0.00
3000m Harry McDermott 10:33.60 V55 Serpentine 84.9% 0.00
3000m Natasha Sheel 10:36.40 FV35 Serpentine 79.9% 0.00
3000m Kuzie Chen 10:36.50 SM Serpentine 69.9% 0.00
3000m James Burton 10:37.90 V35 Serpentine 72.4% 0.00
3000m Brett Osler 10:38.80 V45 Serpentine 76.3% 0.00
3000m Katy Casterton 10:39.10 SL Serpentine 78.5% 0.00
3000m Peter Clarke 10:44.50 V55 Serpentine 82.0% 0.00
3000m Philip Whitehouse 10:52.50 SM Serpentine 68.2% 0.00
3000m Alessandro Dovis 11:00.70 SM Serpentine 67.1% 0.00
3000m Matthew Bath 11:01.00 SM Serpentine 67.1% 0.00
3000m Ewan Paton 11:06.60 V50 Serpentine 76.7% 0.00
3000m Kemuel Solomon 11:11.50 V60 Serpentine 82.9% 0.00
3000m Kevin Murray 11:14.30 V60 Serpentine 84.1% 0.00
3000m Molly Hemmings 11:25.70 SL Serpentine 73.1% 0.00
3000m Abu Asad 11:33.70 V45 Serpentine 69.7% 0.00
3000m Jonathan Moscrop 11:39.90 V45 Serpentine 71.3% 0.00
3000m Constantine Mossios 11:44.50 V50 Serpentine 73.8% 0.00
3000m Jaran Finn 11:45.20 V50 Serpentine 71.3% 0.00
3000m Victoria Brown 11:45.70 FV45 Serpentine 81.2% 0.00
3000m Megan Adams 11:48.10 FV35 Serpentine 71.8% 0.00
3000m Mark Smith 11:57.10 V50 Serpentine 72.5% 0.00
3000m Sophie Flanagan 11:57.10 SL Serpentine 70.1% 0.00
3000m Simon Caney 12:01.10 V50 Serpentine 71.5% 0.00
3000m Sophie Telfer 12:02.80 SL Serpentine 69.4% 0.00
3000m Nick Jones 12:08.00 V35 Serpentine 63.5% 0.00
3000m Chris McAllister 12:20.80 V55 Serpentine 72.0% 0.00
3000m Maija Kozlova 12:21.30 FV35 Serpentine 70.3% 0.00
3000m Simon Hardy 12:32.00 V60 Serpentine 73.4% 0.00
3000m Robert Crangle 12:35.80 V60 Serpentine 73.0% 0.00
3000m Hans Ho 12:49.30 V40 Serpentine 61.0% 0.00
3000m Jerry Lockspeiser 12:57.10 V70 Serpentine 77.4% 0.00
3000m Michael Ngo 13:07.10 SM Serpentine 56.8% 0.00
3000m Catkin Shelley 13:17.40 FV55 Serpentine 83.3% 0.00
3000m Lynne Maughan 13:28.20 FV50 Serpentine 73.7% 0.00
3000m Sophie Taylor 13:33.80 FV35 Serpentine 62.5% 0.00
3000m Colleen Renihan 13:35.10 FV50 Serpentine 75.0% 0.00
3000m Helen Lane 14:22.40 FV55 Serpentine 77.0% 0.00
3000m Alison Hinton 14:40.80 FV50 Serpentine 70.4% 0.00
3000m Andrea Sanders-Reece 15:02.90 FV65 Serpentine 83.2% 0.00
3000m Nyla Hussain 15:30.90 FV45 Serpentine 60.8% 0.00
3000m Tom Donovan 15:31.70 V60 Serpentine 58.7% 0.00
3000m Encarna Rodriguez 15:58.80 FV55 Serpentine 69.3% 0.00
3000m Avril Riddell 16:01.90 FV65 Serpentine 80.7% 0.00
3000m Carole Wisdom 16:35.70 FV65 Serpentine 73.0% 0.00
3000m Camilla Allwood 16:48.00 FV60 Serpentine 71.0% 0.00
3000m Heidi Rasmussen 18:21.00 FV50 Serpentine 54.8% 0.00
3000m Ruth Corbett 20:26.10 FV45 Serpentine 46.2% 0.00

Non scoring athletes

Event arrow Name arrow Result arrow Cat arrow Club arrow Graded arrow Points arrow
3000m Niall Moran 11:51.00 SM Unattached 61.9% 0.00

Result queries

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