Gov Com – Serpentine Running Club – 26 Nov 2024




Catherine Shelley (CS) – Club Honorary Secretary

Imran Ahmed (IA) – Club Honorary Treasurer

Minutes of the meeting:

  1. Resignations of Committee members

CS noted the resignation of the two Governance Committee members, Catharine Sowerby and Veronique Leroy.

  1. Asset transfer agreement

The transfer agreement, relating to the transfer of CASC assets to the CIO was discussed. IA and CS confirmed they were happy with the agreement and would sign in the presence of witnesses.

Action: CS to sign and email electronic copy of signed document to IA. IA to sign and pass to CIO Trustees for signature.

  1. Concerns received from members around the transfer to CIO

It was noted no objections had been raised by any members to the final email informing members of the operational transfer, the transfer of their membership and associated member data.

  1. Actions required prior to transition

IA updated that website changes were planned and team in place to deliver these over the coming weekend. 

  1. Other transaction activities

IA updated on the planned movement of funds across the various newly set up bank accounts.

IA noted that dual authorisation of payments would be set up on the new SRTC HSBC current account as per the requirements of the Management Liability insurer Hiscox.

Action: IA to implement dual authorisation once fund transfers complete 

Further communication of club change with Governing bodies was discussed.

Action: CS to follow up with any remaining bodies.

  1. HSBC bank account mandate 

The resolution for the addition of Catherine Shelley as an authorised signatory to the banking mandate for the HSBC account for SRC was approved.