Pimlico and Tower Bridge


Parks, Pimlico and Tower Bridge (16 miles)


Route in figures

Route Summary

Distance 16.0
Traffic-Free 6/10
Hills 1/10


Large scale map
Route details

A 16 mile training run through Hyde Park and Pimlico, along the river to Tower Bridge and back.


“Digital Data © Geoinformation Group (2003)”

[[:scrollbox_begin]] Parks, Pimlico and Tower route map [[:scrollbox_end]]

Start and finish

The route starts and finishes at the Seymour Leisure Centre, where Serpentine members can use the shower and changing facilities. The Seymour Leisure Centre is on Seymour Place, W1H 5TH.

There are public toilets at Marble Arch.

Map of Seymour Centre

“Digital Data © Geoinformation Group (2003)”

Route details

Mile Directions
0 These will be published once someone provides them!