Attendees: Veronique Leroy (VL), Imran Ahmed (IA), Stephanie Vaatz (SV), Ham Huxham (HH), Lina Ambrulevičiūtė (LA) and Catherine Shelley (CS).
Apologies: Nic Browne (NB)
1. Welcome and update
VL talked through her report covering the matters discussed at the AGM and at GovCom on 6 July 2024, highlighting that the marketing lead role remains vacant.
VL stressed the website is the club’s tool for external communications and the prime source of information for new members. Whilst the new website is operational, some content is incomplete and Metadata needs to be added to pages to improve Search Engine Optimisation. OB has sent an email outlining the Metadata requirements, which VL will circulate, and has offered to run a training session on this. VL suggested Sunday cycle rides and the Handicap be included on the website as events.
2. Governance and health and safety
CS advised the risk assessments approved at the last OpCom were approved by GovCom on 6 July 2024. Additional risk assessments have been prepared for relay races, club championship races, cycling sessions and open water swimming. Whilst cycling sessions are not coached, they are club organised, and hence should be risk assessed for insurance purposes. IA stressed any club activities publicised on WhatsApp should be risk assessed.
Action: OpCom members to review the additional risk assessments and provide their approval and/or feedback to CS by Monday 9 September.
CS noted GovCom had approved a new Inclusion policy and asked OpCom members to familiarise themselves with the content and share it with their team; it will be uploaded on the website.
CS advised there is a new accident reporting form on the website; members involved in an accident, or near miss, should complete this and send it to CS and CS will submit the details to UK Athletics. This will ensure the Club has full visibility of the details reported to UK Athletics and members may be more willing to report these events to the Club rather than a third party. CS is creating an accident and incident register which will be reviewed at each OpCom to ensure appropriate action can be taken; CS outlined the details of recent reported accidents.
3. Finance and Budget
IA had circulated financials and explanatory comments. Revenue is broadly in line with last year, but costs are lower; results are tracking towards another surplus.
4. Technical Lead
LA advised the coaches page on the website has been updated. Some coaches’ licences have expired and they need to do a safeguarding and first aid update course to renew their licence; LA is chasing individuals as it is mandatory for them to continue coaching, however there are only a limited number of update courses available. Individuals with expired licenses remain on the EA listing but are highlighted in red. It was agreed that a coach whose safeguarding has expired and who has not booked onto an update course must not be allowed to coach for the Club.
Action: LA to follow up with impacted individuals.
LA noted the sign-up functionality for non-member trials is working well. She is still to start working on the officials’ community. Her Thursday morning training sessions in Battersea Park will continue until the end of September; VL suggested continuing monitoring attendance.
5. Race Organisation
SV noted that the Handicap team has requested a new laptop.
Action: SV to discuss options with OB.
went smoothly. The Grand Prix races were well attended, with c.5 more people per race than last year, although not many did all four races.
6. Triathlon & Lanzarote
Lanzarote 2025 has been launched with 34 sign ups; 3 running coaches, but one triathlon coach short. VL stressed Lanzarote needs to be advertised and suggested promoting it at a social with previous attendees and coaches present; the end of September social could be an option.
HH noted triathlon race numbers were similar to last year but not so many people were racing; numbers were not so good for events outside London. VL asked if we should focus on London; HH noted there had been some clashes this year and T100 is expensive but he will look at ones closer to London as well as Age Group Qualifier events.
Kit ordering has been good although sizes are coming up small and there has been feedback about chaffing; swim hats have been a success. HH has found a supplier of visors and caps for £17-£18 each; the minimum order is 25 and HH would take some pre-orders as well as holding some in stock in the kit room. VL suggested asking if the supplier could do a similar arrangement to Scimitar.
Action: HH to test the level of interest for caps and visors and discuss with IA.
HH will run a series of 4 handicap open water swims next summer. We may need another swim coach as more people want to join the swimming sessions.
Cycling numbers have been low with people moving away or joining cycle clubs. VL noted members want to join the cycling but think the sessions will be too hard. HH suggested changing the programme to cycling on Saturday and running on Sunday in line with most triathlete programmes; VL recommended asking members first. HH would like to run a novice session to teach members how to cycle in groups; most clubs do this before members move into the main group. VL suggested sending a survey to members about all the above.
Action: HH to send a survey to members about cycling training, including novice sessions.
7. Competitions
IA noted there have been good numbers, but we need to see how many unique individuals took part; IA will pick up with NB. LA noted Thames Valley have agreed to support the North London cross country championships which Serpentine agreed not to help with at the last OpCom.
8. AOB
- It was agreed to hold meetings every two months; VL suggested including a social update in the meeting.
Action: CS and VL to propose dates for future meetings