Green Belt Relay 2024 – 18th & 19th May – Registration open

Get ready for the Green Belt Relay!
The Green Belt Relay is a multi-stage, multi-terrain, two-day relay taking place around London’s Green Belt. Teams of 11 runners each cover anything between 6 and 13.3 miles (10km to 21km), with each runner running one stage on Saturday and one stage on Sunday. Saturday night is spent at a hotel near the half-way point.
Everyone is welcome to take part, whether you’re a speedster on the roads or looking for hilly trails. It’s a great way to both appreciate the great running we have almost on our doorstep, as well as have a great weekend with Serpie friends old and new. Check out the Serpie website for more details about the event and the link to the sign-up page.
The Serpie Green Belt Relay Team 2023
Entry is open to all Serpies
You will need to be available for the whole weekend, including the overnight stay; able to run about 20 miles (~32km) in total over the weekend at a pace of roughly 10 min/mile (~6 min/km) or faster; and most importantly, be ready to have an awesome time!
If you would like to join
The fee payable now is £75 and includes the cost of transport. The cost of the hotel is paid by each runner individually at the hotel, this will be £47.50 per person (which includes breakfast and accommodation in a twin room). The organisers will handle the booking so you don’t need to look for accommodation yourself. We will also aim to go out for a meal together at a restaurant close to the hotel that we are staying in. The race entry is covered by the club.
To sign up, please use this link or head over to the Serpie website first.
We travel from point to point in minibuses and would like eight drivers to make the weekend a roaring success. If you are able to drive for us (you’ll be able to take part too of course!), please volunteer your wonderful self. The Serpentine team will refund a portion of your entry fee as a thank you.
Further information
More information about the race is available on the Serpentine website, the race website, or email