Handicap 3rd February – meet at Hyde Park Bandstand (not Boat House)

Until we hear otherwise, we are going to be using the alternative course and meet near the bandstand in Hyde Park, not by the boathouse. A driver has hit the bridge that our course passes under and we’ll run the alternative course entirely in Hyde Park, for at least a few months.
Some extra volunteers are needed to help with this course, so if you were considering joining us to help put on the race, now is a great time!
Also, the toilets at the Serpentine Cafe are closed this month. There should be temporary toilets but they may be busier while we’re in the cafe.
Having said all that, you can still start February by enjoying a race with friends and soon-to-be friends around the Serpentine in Hyde Park! Whether you’re a regular Handicap racer or if this is your first race, we’re looking forward to seeing you this Saturday.
Come and race two wonderful laps around the Serpentine. If you’re not up for racing, then join us to volunteer and help put on the race, and get coffee afterwards!
All the best people will be there, runners and volunteers, so become one of them! For info on the race, visit the Serpentine Handicap page. To volunteer, email the Handicap team.
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday.