10K course group starts on 24 February

Runner in Hyde Park

The 10k group, led by Rachel Bedford, and a team of run leaders, can be used to improve your 10k pace or extend your run distance. 

To join the course you should be able to run continuously for over 30 minutes and your 10k target time should be 48 minutes or longer.  You should expect to train 2-3 times per week to make the most of the group. 

At the end of 10 weeks we will target a 10k race as an optional end of course goal.

Details of the course and sign-up are here.  

Anyone, including current club members, is very welcome to join this course, and please do invite your friends, relations and colleagues to join and encourage them to sign-up (and what a great opportunity to get more runners into the club).  If your friends, relations and colleagues are too experienced for these courses why not suggest they join a social run with the club on any Wed evening or Sat morning.
