Gary Dench, 1969 - 2020

Sadly, we have to report the death of Gary at the early age of 51.  Our thoughts are with his partner, Sarah and their daughter, Sofia.  Please click above for more.

Those of you who have been Serpies since 2000 may well remember Gary Dench and his partner Sarah Edmunds who were very active and popular club members for more than 10 year, particularly involved with our handicap and cross country competitions, before work took them away from London.

Sadly, Gary passed away a couple of weeks ago at the early age of 51, leaving Sarah and their young daughter, Sofia, who I think is only 4.  Gary and Sarah were lovely people and I have fond memories of them at our cross country events and, of course, the pub afterwards, 

Another former Serpie, Lucy Hilton, is putting together a book for Sophia, who will grow up not really knowing her Dad, and she hopes there will be Serpies who would like to contribute their reminiscences.  Also, if you have any photos of Gary that you would like to send to Lucy, she would like to be able to use these.  If you’d like to contribute to the book, please can you contact Lucy on

Gary’s funeral will be on 4 January and information is on  

Malcolm French –    

Submitted: 19 December 2020
