Trophies awarded at the Winter Party

Saturday's Winter Party was once again great fun and a huge sell-out success - many thanks to Sarah and the rest of the team for making it happen.

During the evening we announced the award of three trophies: the John Stonham Farewell Cup, the David Simpson Memorial Trophy, and the Innovation Cup.

John Stonham Farewell Cup

John Stonham was an active member of Serpentine from 1986 and the award was donated anonymously in 1993 upon his departure to Thailand. The trophy is awarded annually to the runner who, in the judgement of the Committee, inspires others by being 1) a new runner who shows significant "improvement, but not necessarily victories" 2) an experienced runner returning from injury or illness or 3) a runner showing enthusiasm in the sport even without victory. This year the trophy was presented to Keith Evans, who has been an active member of the club for over 30 years, for his enthusiasm for running and his tenacity and courage.

David Simpson Memorial Trophy

David Simpson, who was a long-standing Serpentine member, a jog leader and recipient of the John Stonham Trophy in 2007, passed away in 2011 after a long battle with cancer. He was kind enough to leave the club a legacy in his will, a part of which was used to inaugurate the David Simpson Memorial Trophy, awarded on an annual basis for achievement in hill and off road running, both of which were close to David's heart. This year the trophy goes to Karen Hancock, Queen of the Hills, for over 15 years of wonderful commitment to the club and for her renowned coaching at Greenwich Hills.

Innovation Cup

Last but not least, the Innovation Cup has been very generously donated by an anonymous donor for the most innovative, inclusive event organised by the club, as determined by the Chair and Secretary from nominations made by members of the Committee. This year the award was given to Monica Mundo for her **SERPIES GET TOGETHER FOR A PANETTONE** event held on Saturday 21 December after the Saturday club run, bringing club members together in harmony to celebrate the Christmas holiday. We hope this will inspire members to come up with other new innovative and inclusive events for the club.

Congratulations to Keith, Karen and Monica.

Lan O'Connor

Submitted: 5 February 2020
