UPDATED: New Running Technique Course

A new Running Technique Course is being trialled soon, subject to demand levels in the Club. Update: First Trial was on 8/8/2011. Trial at Parliament Hill on 19/8/2010 still has places. click HERE for more details...
Picture from UPDATED: New Running Technique Course

It is becoming more widely recognised by Club Members that running efficiency and technique are major contributors of running performance. The Serpie Coaches already know this, which is why they encourage you to do drills and plyometrics as part of the warm-ups before the main session.

However, there is often not enough time in these warm-ups to really benefit fully from the drills and to learn improved technique.  This is why we are trialling four 1-day Running Technique Courses (at 4 different locations/days), where learning improved running form will be the central theme. If they are successful, it will be rolled out into a full 5-day course spread over 5 weeks and run at regular intervals.

Technique Hurdle Drills at Lanzarote (Photo: Lars Menken) 

The sessions would include:

  • Dynamic warm-up
  • Technique drills including marching, skipping and running drills (to encourage good form)
  • Hurdle based drills (to improve co-ordination and increase range of movement in the hips)
  • Some Speed Agility Quickness drills (to encourage good form, improve reaction time, speed and power)
  • Core conditioning and strength exercises
  • Cool down including stretching for flexibility
  • Plus there will be some homework - simply exercises that you can do in front of the TV

Although there will be some running, it will be much less than in a normal session and because the emphasis is on controlled movement rather than pace, everyone should be able to participate in their normal training regime for the rest of the week.

 If you are interested in these sessions please email me at andrewreeves@serpentine.org.uk stating your preferred:

  • Day (Monday, Wednesday or Friday)
  • Location (Willesden Track / Battersea Track / Parliament Hill Track / Hyde Park (No Hurdles!))

It is expected that the Trials will commence on the week beginning 8th August, if there is enough demand, with the first full course commencing beginning September. (In the Winter months one possibility would be to use the indoor track at Willesden). The aim of the trial is to improve the course and participants would be encouraged to feedback.

Note that although the trial would be free, the full course would be charged (tbd but in the order of £10 per session per person). Any entrance fees payable by the athlete.

These courses will benefit most beginners plus anyone who knows they have a specific gait issue eg shufflers, twisters, slumpers. However, the course is not designed to totally change your own natural style (which is very difficult and could lead to short term injury), rather to make your technique more efficient, within your own style.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Submitted: 3 August 2011
