London Cross Country Racing – Enter today!

Sign up for the North London Cross Country Champs
If you wish to run at Wormwood Scrubs on Saturday 26 October, please sign up at the following link by Friday 18 October. The Serpentine women are currently the defending champions in this event.

Other Cross Country Races
* Sign up for the 8k Liddiard Trophy Cross Country at Kingsbury on 2 November where Serpentine is the defending 8-man and 4-women teams champions
* The London Cross Country Championships at Parliament Hill on 16 November can also be entered – 6k for Women and 10k for Men.
All of these events require England Athletics membership which you can check in your profile on the club website. The club covers costs for entry to these events.

Met League
Remember you can still participate in the Met League cross-country series with the next event at Horsenden on 9 November. Please email Katy to ensure you have a number assigned to you when you arrive at the race:

Nic Browne
Competitions Lead