Greenwich Park
Serpentine uses Greenwich Park for hill training sessions each Saturday. We meet on Blackheath Avenue inside the Park, usually near where someone has parked their car to store belongings. This is near the Tea House at the top of the main hill near the Royal Observatory (see map below). You can store your gear in the boot at your own risk whilst training. Note that numbers for formal sessions are are limited in Greenwich Park so please contact the coach leading the session first (usually Karen Hancock).
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If you want a shower afterwards, use the Arches Leisure Centre on Trafalgar Road. £3.55 buys you a swim and shower and you’ll need a 20p for the lockers. There is a good café for refreshments (The Tea House). Parking is available in Greenwich park, but on Saturdays you need to approach through the Blackheath Gate as the The Avenue is closed to traffic at weekends. Bikes can be locked to the railings outside the Tea House. To find out more about Greenwich Park, look at their website.
DLR: to Maritime Greenwich (Cutty Sark) – see TfL website.
Car: Parking in Greenwich can be difficult, so suggest you approach through the Blackheath Gate, to the Pay and Display parking. Expect to need to park for 90 minutes or so (more if you come to the cafe afterwards). Parking wardens are vigilant and there’s a £50 penalty for non-payment!
Bike: If coming from north of the Thames, come through the Greenwich Foot Tunnel. You can cycle up to the top of the hill through the Park.
Bus: the 188 stops near the main entrance to the Park. Buses 53, 177, 180, 199, 286 and 386 also stop in Greenwich town centre – see TfL website for more info.
Train: from London Bridge to Maze Hill on the Dartford via Greenwich Line – see TfL website for more info.