Sunday League Cross Country
The venue for the Sunday League Cross Country race on Sunday, 13 October has changed as below.
Venue: Lucy Warren Open Space, Cock Lane, Hoddesdon
EN10 7FE (wipes.gross.bands)
The pedestrian entrance is on your left as you approach from Hoddesdon town centre.
Parking: DO NOT USE THE VERY SMALL CAR PARK AT LUCY WARREN – this is for emergency vehicles.
Parking is available free at Robert Barclay Academy, Cock Lane, EN11 8JY (bill.trendy.flags). Please park as directed by marshals. The car park closes and is locked at 1230.
Toilets: temporary toilets are provided as there are no other loos nor changing facilities.
Course: one small loop followed by three full laps on grassland.
Captain: Chris Notton
There are five races in the Sunday League Cross Country, all suitable for runners from those new to XC through to the more experienced. Everyone sets off together and follows the same route finding people from other clubs, to race along the way. The events are friendly, challenging and fun.
If you enjoy baking, cakes are always welcome!
Cross country is great for building stamina, leg, ankle and core strength.
The Sunday League is perfect for all members who feel comfortable running 8+K.
As the course is lapped, spectators (friends and family) can cheer you on.