Hills @ Primrose Hill
Meeting point
By the entrance on Albert Road near the crossing next to Primrose Hill Bridge across the Regents Canal. Google Maps location of the meeting point is available here.
Due to our limited space, we require ALL participants to pre-register weekly by Wednesday at 9:00 pm by emailing coach Mary Marshall here. The sessions are suitable for runners of all abilities. Note that there are no lockers or changing rooms, so please come ready to run. A warm top and water may also be needed. The ‘street’ lighting on Primrose Hill changes regularly, so sessions will likely be adapted to the lit areas for safety reasons. If you have a head torch you may find it useful.
Session’s objective
Regular Thursday night hill sessions at Primrose Hill include threshold and hill coaching to improve strength, fitness and endurance. The sessions are suitable for all levels and designed to develop your individual running. Individual advice is also provided to ensure you get the most out of each session.
Date: | Session’s objective: | Workout: | Session Lead: | Max Capacity: |
1 August 2024 | Down Hill Sprints | 15 Min Warm up and drills 8-10 down hill sprints from 200m spot to usual starting spot. 30 sec rest at bottom, AND walk up recovery. (Concentrating on form: • Controlled •Active foot adding force where required •Arms active and used for balance •Upright or leaning slightly forward •High Hips •Active recovery of rear leg) 5 minute flat road recovery run to end and flush out legs and keep them moving. | Mary Marshall | 10 |
8 August 2024 | Threshold Endurance | 15 Min W/U 4x 6 mins continuous hills Run up to the 150m, and back down round the little triangle – CONTINUOUSLY for the duration of the repetition. Keep the same effort level in both directions (the downhills are NOT a recovery). (REST 2 mins between reps) C/D | Mary Marshall | 10 |
15 August 2024 | Sandwich hills (best for race prep) | 10 min W/U Run 10 minutes on a flat route at a controlled level of discomfort, 3-4 word answer effort or around a HM pace. REST 2 mins Complete 8 sets of 15 second RPE 10/10 UPHILL sprints. Walk back to the bottom of the hill to recover between each hill repeat, at bottom take another 60 secs. (REST TIME SHOULD BE 2 MINS TOTAL). Come back to the flat and repeat your 10 minute block run at HM pace. C/D | TBC | 10 |
22 August 2024 | Team Games | GAMES: SUMMER SERIES CONTINUES Prizes to be won! | Mary Marshall | 10 |
29 August 2024 | Speed, Endurance & Power | Jo Pavey Session: 15 Min Warm up and drills 3x 200m up [@5km effort] walk/jog recovery down 4x 150m up [@5km effort] walk/jog recovery down 5x 100m up [@5km effort] walk/jog recovery down 6x 50m up [@5km effort] walk/jog recovery down 1x 500m up [@5km effort] Cool down stretches | Mary Marshall | 10 |