Meeting attendance
Attendees: Veronique Leroy (VL), Imran Ahmed (IA), Catharine Sowerby (CSo), Jerry Lockspeiser (JL) and Catherine Shelley (CSh)
Apologies: Giulia Crepaldi (GC)
Minute taker: Ruth Murphy
1 Transition from Serpentine Running Club (CASC) to Serpentine Running and Triathlon Club (CIO)
VL requested to schedule the next CIO GovCom meeting before the 1st December 2024 transition from CASC to the CIO for the Trustees to approve the CASC draft accounts and approve and sign the transfer agreement. VL and CSo need to resign as committee members of the CASC prior to this meeting. CSh and IA will remain on the CASC GovCom and will approve and sign the transfer agreement for the CASC and accordingly will excuse themselves from discussions on the accounts and transfer agreement from the CIO perspective. VL and another Trustee will need to sign the transfer agreement for the CIO.
Action: CSh to circulate a calendar with scheduled meetings for CIO in 2024 and 2025.
2 New bank accounts for CIO
IA reported that the CIO bank accounts have been set up and that other transitional activities are underway. The new transition date of 1st December 2024 has been advised to England Athletics.
3 Appointment of Independent Examiner
CSh and IA have received several quotes for independent examiners, to prepare and examine the annual financial statements. The quotes range from £1,000 to £5,000. IA has a meeting with another firm on Friday 11th October 2024. Following this meeting IA will provide an email recommending the appointment of an independent examiner.
4 Policies and Bye-laws
CSh is working though the existing CASC policies to identify which need to be updated and the additional new policies needed. CSh will review the list with VL. IA proposed that rather than having a set of Bye-laws and a CIO Constitution, the matters covered by the Bye-laws of the CASC be included in specific policies which would be easier to maintain in the long term. CSo suggested a membership policy which would include fees and different types of membership.
Action: CSh to review the CASC Bye-laws to identify if any could not be included in a policy and to identify new policies required.