GovCom – Serpentine Running and Triathlon Club – 9 Sept 2024



Attendees: CS (Catherine Shelley); JL (Jerry Lockspeiser); GC (Giulia Cripaldi); RM (Ruth Murphy), IA (Imran Ahmed); CSY (Catherine Sowerby); VL (Veronique Leroy).

1. Asset transfer agreement

The Trustees agreed to proceed with signing the asset transfer agreement despite the lack of a Section 105 exception from the Charity Commission, who have not indicated it is necessary. The legal advisor’s recommendation was noted but will not be followed due to practicality.

IA will confirm with the lawyers the procedure to pass the resolution. 

IA proposed changing the go live date from 1st October to 1st November given delays waiting for the Charity Commission’s response.  The Trustees agreed to proceed with this go live date. 

Action: All Trustees to review the draft asset transfer agreement.

IA will finalise the necessary systems and financial setups for the go live.

2. Transition planning and next steps

IA has issued a transition plan and asked for the Trustees to review this. 

The transition of bank accounts was discussed, with the goal of minimising risk exposure where balances exceed the FSCS’s £85,000 limit. 

There are several incumbent bank accounts that will need to be closed and require new ones to be set up for the CIO. Currently the CIO has two HSBC accounts; current and savings. To remain under the FSCS threshold, IA recommend setting up three new accounts with separate banks.  IA will identify suitable banks and accounts. 

IA requested signatories for these new accounts; CSY and VL agreed to fulfil this task.  IA will proceed with the bank account migration plan.

IA also raised the need for website changes, associated with Stripe payments and payment links need to be directed to CIO bank account.  A separate entity within Xero, which is the Club’s financial management software, is also needed for the CIO.

An independent examiner will need to be appointed.

Action: IA and CS to agree a tender process for the selection. 

The CIO is currently registered at IA’s home address with his personal phone number, which is not appropriate in the long term.   VL and IA will investigate options for discussion at the next Trustee meeting. 

The club has taken tax advice regarding the transition and there is no material risk; CS agreed to investigate if tax is due on interest income. 

VL noted we should review what policies need to be in place to support the operations of CIO.

 3. Finance and Budget

IA reported that expenses are tracking lower than expected, and a surplus is forecast although some expenditure is increasing. Consideration will be given, when setting the budget for next year, as to how best to eliminate the surplus for next year and how to use some of this year’s likely surplus .  

IA is working to set up Xero for the CIO; the new set up will be simplified but there is still work to do.

IA has issued an email in respect of the excess reserves; there has been a good read rate, with 30 responses and some offers to help. IA will organise a working group to formulate a plan and report back at the next Trustee meeting. 

4. Membership Update

CSY reported that the adult membership is steady, but further work is required to specifically target females to stay with the club, as well as attract new female members.  There has been an increase in new members who are students increasing the number of younger members. The other trend emerging is that leavers are subsequently re-joining, partly attributable to removing the club joining fee.

VL asked to investigate whether seasonality is a factor at play, for club leavers. 

RM raised the opportunity to incentivise existing members to refer others to the club, or to bring colleagues along to an event. VL suggested the regular Last Wednesday run and social.

5. Website 

A technology discussion is scheduled for the 23rd of September. The focus of this meeting is to address concerns around the website content, performance, the overall website strategy and on-going management.  IA expressed his concern about the website structure and content ownership. VL stressed expectations were high and it was launched before it was ready, but it was the best timing given the compromises.  

JL requested clarity around website supportability and the path to resolving website performance issues, stressing it is a key tool which needs to be sorted out rapidly.  CSY added that the website is key to new lead generation and for members to view the training calendar; the member data transfer was reasonably successful. 

It was agreed that the website’s comprehensive results section is a value-add that other clubs lack, but adds to the complexity of development and maintenance.  The Trustees acknowledged that the website content is an issue with some old pages appearing in the new version and pages not being kept up to date.

GC suggested enlisting external professional help to review and advise on content management and to provide IT support, noting some companies provide charities with IT support for free.

JL stressed that the club has funds available which could be used to invest in external help. 

VL stated she had sent a request for volunteers to help update the content but received no response.

 7. Marketing and Comms  – vacant role

The Marketing Lead role remains open and nobody has expressed any interest.  IA suggested advertising externally, leveraging volunteer websites such as Reach. GC noted a charity she supports uses interns and students as a first step in their career.  

Action: VL agreed to re-advertise the role and consider advertising on Reach and Westminster websites.  VL would like to do recruitment drive for more volunteers and will recirculate the list of open roles and explore other avenues to advertise for volunteers.

Action: IA to circulate Marketing Lead role description for comment prior to posting on Reach

Separately, there was consensus that a separate role is needed to manage the website content. 

 8. Appointment of additional Non-executive trustee

VL is keen to advertise for a non-executive role and it would be helpful to find someone with a legal, sports club or governing body background.  The non-executive trustee does not necessarily need to be an existing club member.  

Action: VL to look at advertising this role externally. 

CS to check the split between the number of Executive and Non-Executive Trustees in the CIO constitution.  

9. AOB

Several of the Trustees are meeting with the Lord Mayor of Westminster.  It was agreed the three items to solicit help with should be: finding a new home for the club, helping with publicity and advertising to encourage new members and establishing connections with the local community. They will ask the Mayor how the club can support him to deliver his priorities.