Attendees: Veronique Leroy (VL), Imran Ahmed (IA), Catharine Sowerby (CSo), Giulia Crepaldi (GC), Jerry Lockspeiser (JL) and Catherine Shelley (CSh)
Minute taker: Ruth Murphy
- Approval of minutes from last meeting and update on action items
The minutes of the meeting on 7 October 2024 were approved. GC asked to receive meeting minutes sooner. All action items are closed; CSh has issued the calendar of meetings and has reviewed Serpentine Running Club (SRC) Byelaws and incorporated the requirements into the new membership policy. IA has recommended an independent examiner.
2. Approval of the Asset Transfer Agreement
IA and CSh excused themselves from voting on the Asset Transfer Agreement (“the Agreement”). CSh confirmed that four Trustees are sufficient for quorum to vote on the Agreement.
No questions were raised about the agreement.
Decision: The Trustees unanimously agreed and approved the resolution to:
a) Approve the Agreement as submitted in the meeting;
b) Approve the execution of the Agreement.
The Trustees recognised and acknowledged that the execution of the Agreement was in the best interest of the members and the Club.
IA noted two Trustees are required to sign the agreement for SRTC, one of which must be either the Chair or the Treasurer; VL and JL will sign once it has been signed by SRC.
Whilst the agreement requires the transfer of all assets and liabilities, IA noted he will retain circa £55k in the SRC bank account to cover the payment of £45k to La Santa for the 2025 Lanzarote trip which is due in December and other SRC expenses. The remaining balances (circa £260k) will be transferred to the new SRTC bank accounts. There are no significant debts. The Trustees were satisfied with the assets and liabilities as presented to the meeting.
3. Policies and Codes of Conduct
CSh proposed SRTC adopts all the existing SRC policies subject to new policies emerging. Decision: The Trustees approved the proposal to adopt the existing SRC policies. It was noted the individual policies will need to be updated to reflect the new name.
CSh has drafted a new Membership Policy for SRTC which incorporates matters in the Rules and Byelaws of SRC not in the SRTC Constitution; the Membership Policy which was presented to the Trustees for approval.
Decision: The Trustees approved the new SRTC Membership Policy.
The Committee discussed under what circumstances, changes to the Constitution need to be presented at the AGM. The Trustees agreed that minor changes would not need to go to members for approval but should be submitted to the Charity Commission and then presented to members. Major changes should be presented to the members for approval at the AGM prior to submission at the Charity Commission.
VL requested the constitution is checked to see whether explicit consent is needed from club members, to enact the new membership policy.
Action: IA to build a list of proposed changes to the Constitution.
Action: CSo to review the new member sign up process to check what policies, rules etc members confirm their agreement to on sign up.
Action: CSh to check whether existing members need to sign up to the new membership policy or just be advised of its existence.
VL noted the current SRC Data Privacy Policy is out of date and VL is drafting a new Data Privacy Policy for SRTC using the England Athletics template tailored to the Club’s procedures. VL would like the policy to be reviewed by a lawyer, but this is unlikely to happen before 1 December 2024. The Trustees agreed that the new policy could be published ahead of a lawyer review.
4. Appointment of Griffin Chartered Accountants as Independent Examiner
IA noted that the Trustees had approved the appointment of Griffin Chartered Accountants as the independent examiner by email. He had obtained three quotes and recommended Griffin given they are competitively priced, have knowledge of the Xero financial system and have experience working with other sports clubs, namely Highgate Harriers. IA has notified Griffin of their formal appointment and they are setting up a secure site to share information. The year end for SRTC will be 31 March and the first accounts will be for the period to 31 March 2025.
5. Transition Activities
The transition to the CIO will take effect from 1st December 2024. Duplicate versions of web pages referencing SRTC have been prepared and these will be published either late of 30 November or early on 1 December. The transition will require a switch to the new SRTC Stripe account which is linked to the SRTC HSBC current account; Owen Barder will manage this switch.
Key risks include website updates, bank account transitions and operational continuity. GC suggested that the new web pages could be scheduled to go live at a certain time, to reduce any manual work.
IA highlighted SRC’s large bank balance with HSBC; this has recently increased further due to Scottish Widows closing the account early. IA will transfer these funds, except for the amounts held back for SRC payments, to the new SRTC bank accounts from 2 December 2024. This will require multiple transactions given the transfer limits. IA has carried out test payments successfully. Action: iA to commence transfering funds from SRC bank accounts to SRTC accounts after 1 December 2024.
Action: CSo to test the new joiner process by doing a dummy application once Stripe has been switched.
Actions: CSh to write to England Athletics to confirm that the transition is going ahead for EA to update their database to reflect the change to the club and to write to other sport bodies and organisations to inform them of the change.
6. Nominations For Life Membership
VL noted that GovCom can elect up to two life members each year, other than in exceptional circumstances. CSo excused herself from the discussions. The Trustees considered the nominations and criteria for selection.
Decision: The Trustees voted unanimously to elect CSo, Sammy Li and Philip Waterhouse as life members, recognising the exception given the quality of nominees.
VL will announce recipients at the Christmas party.
7. Technology – Scope of Future Technology Project
IA has prepared a high-level summary of the project scope which had been circulated to GovCom previously. Abhi Jain will lead the project and IA expects the work to take a couple of months. VL asked GovCom to validate the objectives.
Action: IA to recirculate the email outlining the project scope; Trustees to provide feedback.
8. New Club Home
Refurbishment works on the Seymour Centre have started and are forecast to continue through 2026. The Seymour Centre remains a possible home for the Club, but there is no contractual relationship and no commitment for a space to display the club trophies. CSo noted a budget would be required for permanent storage at the Seymour Centre.
The current club home in the school lacks showers, adequate changing facilities and has limited capacity, however the space is working well for the LWOTM evening socials. Some club members no longer come to the Wednesday runs, due to a lack of showers.
Options being explored are finding a facility like the Seymour Centre, with some shared spaces e.g. changing areas and showers. To date no facility meets all requirements; IA proposed reviewing and prioritising our requirements and revisiting some of the facilities previously discounted. JL reported that connection with the Lord Mayor of Westminster, has not resulted in any leads.
Action: IA to propose a prioritised list of requirements and organise a working group of CSo, JL and Ruth Murphy to research facilities for the new home for the club.
Action: JL to follow up with Westminster.
9. AOB
Vacant Trustee positions: There are still open roles for a non-Executive Trustee and Marketing Lead. VL has posted these on the Westminster Council Volunteer website but there have been no responses. GS noted Marketing roles are difficult to fill even if the roles are paid.
Action: VL to post the two vacant Trustee roles on the London Volunteer Network.
Bank signatories: IA proposed a resolution that VL and CSh be added as additional signatories to HSBC’s mandate for SRTC.
Decision: The Trustees approved the resolution to add VL and CSh as additional signatories to HSBC’s mandate.