Committee Roles – Honorary Treasurer
The Treasurer is responsible for the overall financial affairs of the club.
Specific activities / jobs
- Maintenance of accounts
- Payments and deposits
- Financial reports for Committee meetings
- Annual, audited financial statements for the club AGM
General duties and responsibilities
- Banking of cash and cheque receipts
- Processing and payment of purchase invoices and expenses
- Issuing of sales invoices and collection of outstanding debts
- Reconcile bank statements
- Reconcile electronic payments statements
- Maintain the club accounts by use of an appropriate accounting system
- Ensure accountability in all areas of the club where funds are collected eg races, social events, etc
Committee meeting cycle
- Produce, distribute and discuss interim accounts with Committee
- Distribute copies of latest bank statements (current and deposit) to the Committee
- Prepare annual accounts for audit after the fiscal year end
- Present the audited accounts to AGM, and answer any questions arising
- Prepare a budget or forecast for the club