A Few More Laps by David Chalfen – Book Launch (9 Oct 24)

Former Serpie coach David Chalfen has written a book about running coaching called “A Few More Laps”. We are invited to buy his book and also come to the launch event next week!

The book came out on 2 October and has a fair sprinkling of Serpentine related contents and some in depth profiles of some of the notable Serpies David has coached over the years.
The book launch event, including a Q&A session with David, will be on Wednesday, 9 October at SOAR Running, 107 Clifton Street, London, EC2A 4LG. The launch runs between 7.00pm and 9.00pm and the Q&A will be hosted by Rob Wilson (Highgate Harriers). Serpies are welcome to attend. Just drop in as there’s no need to book ahead.
The book can be found on:
A Few More Laps
Happy Training!